The Jim Bridger coal plant in Point of Rocks, Wyo., powers more than a million homes across six Western states. It consumes more water than any other coal plant in the West, according to the federal government.
They've done a lot to reduce energy consumption in the past 10 years, but they can dig deeper. This next phase asks them to go beyond the obvious and into true innovation and true leadership. Their 4Sight 2030 goal for energy is to reduce energy use 15% per ton of product by 2030. With the hel
Brisbane startup Line Hydrogen today announced a deal with Canada’s Jericho Energy Ventures’ which will see it bring hydrogen boilers to Australia.
Bell Bay industrial precinct in Tasmania has become a hotspot for hydrogen project proposal. Line Hydrogen is hoping to get its Bell Bay
The applicant is requesting to modify Permit #0491-M7-RV1 with the following:
Comment Period Start Date: August 22, 2022
For non-emergency police calls, call 505-242-COPS
The 311 Community Contact Center is a centralized call center for the City of Albuquerque. The 311 serv
Estate Agent Today's good friend Christopher Watkin recently carried out a video interview with Glynis...
Last weekend, Nat Daniels' latest Property Natter column focused on the average day in the...
On 23 June 2022, the Department for Le
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The two-story building on Salem Avenue once housed a longtime local dairy company.
Ana Morales / Archival image courtesy of the Virginia Room, Roanoke Public Libra
AES power plant owner Leo Pustilnikov has submitted preliminary applications for two major developments at the site.
Because of the timing, opponents may have limited recourse to counter them.
The larger project, filed Aug. 10, named “One Redondo” in architectural drawings, p
The new report titled 'Global Condensing Fire Tube Industrial Boiler Market Size, Share, Price, Trends, Growth, Report and Forecast 2022-2028' by Coherent Market Insights provides an in-depth analysis of the global Condensing Fire Tube Industrial Boiler Market, evaluating the